- YES Director's Guide
YES Director's Guide
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The 70 page YES Director's Guide is a great resource that contains everything you will need to direct a Shakespeare (or other!) play.
It is also a great Drama Curriculum (3 pages of warm-up exercises and 12 weeks of two-hour weekly lessons) for your home, classroom, or community.
(Remember that this is an E-book that will be sent to your email address in PDF format.)
CHAPTER I: The Production Committee
- Committee Volunteer Job Descriptions: Includes Sign Up Spreadsheet
- Checklists: Includes Nine Printable Handouts
- Production Committee Meetings FAQ
CHAPTER II: Auditions and Casting
- What to Expect: Auditions and Casting
- The Audition Committee FAQ: Includes Audition Sheets and Additional Audition Forms (Printable Handouts)
CHAPTER III: Beginner's Acting Lessons
- Basic Drama Terms
- Acting Games
- Weekly Lessons: (Week 1) Audition Training; (Week 2) Auditions; (Week 3) Stage Directions; (Week 4) Physicality; (Week 5) Vocalization; (Week 6) Emotions and Confidence; (Week 7) Characterization; (Week 8) Imagination; (Week 9) Relationships; (Week 10) Motivation
CHAPTER IV: Before Rehearsals Start
- Reading the Script
- Creating a Rehearsal Schedule: Example Spreadsheet
- Production Contracts: What Are They? And Why I Use Them: Production Contract (Printable Handout)
CHAPTER V: Rehearsals
- The First Rehearsal: The Read-Through
- The Art of Directing
- Blocking the Show: Staging Basics: Stage Directions Reminder Page
- Dress Rehearsals
- Technical Rehearsals
- The Power of Rest: Taking a Break before opening night
CHAPTER VI.: Technical Theatre
- Costumes: Costume Handout Example
- Setting the Stage: Stage Sets for Shakespeare Productions
- Properties: Finding, Making, Borrowing
- Lights, Sound, Action!
CHAPTER VII.: Performances
- What to expect
- Sample Schedule: What to do WHEN during showtime
CHAPTER VIII.: After the Show
- Closing the Show
- The End: Gifts, Thank-Yous, Cast Party, Future Productions
There are several handouts included that are free to be copied and distributed to your cast members and production crew for their use during the show. (These pages are clearly marked.)
There is nothing like this Director's Guide for being able to produce a play without previous experience!
It is also a great Drama Curriculum (3 pages of warm-up exercises and 12 weeks of two-hour weekly lessons) for your home, classroom, or community.
(Remember that this is an E-book that will be sent to your email address in PDF format.)
CHAPTER I: The Production Committee
- Committee Volunteer Job Descriptions: Includes Sign Up Spreadsheet
- Checklists: Includes Nine Printable Handouts
- Production Committee Meetings FAQ
CHAPTER II: Auditions and Casting
- What to Expect: Auditions and Casting
- The Audition Committee FAQ: Includes Audition Sheets and Additional Audition Forms (Printable Handouts)
CHAPTER III: Beginner's Acting Lessons
- Basic Drama Terms
- Acting Games
- Weekly Lessons: (Week 1) Audition Training; (Week 2) Auditions; (Week 3) Stage Directions; (Week 4) Physicality; (Week 5) Vocalization; (Week 6) Emotions and Confidence; (Week 7) Characterization; (Week 8) Imagination; (Week 9) Relationships; (Week 10) Motivation
CHAPTER IV: Before Rehearsals Start
- Reading the Script
- Creating a Rehearsal Schedule: Example Spreadsheet
- Production Contracts: What Are They? And Why I Use Them: Production Contract (Printable Handout)
CHAPTER V: Rehearsals
- The First Rehearsal: The Read-Through
- The Art of Directing
- Blocking the Show: Staging Basics: Stage Directions Reminder Page
- Dress Rehearsals
- Technical Rehearsals
- The Power of Rest: Taking a Break before opening night
CHAPTER VI.: Technical Theatre
- Costumes: Costume Handout Example
- Setting the Stage: Stage Sets for Shakespeare Productions
- Properties: Finding, Making, Borrowing
- Lights, Sound, Action!
CHAPTER VII.: Performances
- What to expect
- Sample Schedule: What to do WHEN during showtime
CHAPTER VIII.: After the Show
- Closing the Show
- The End: Gifts, Thank-Yous, Cast Party, Future Productions
There are several handouts included that are free to be copied and distributed to your cast members and production crew for their use during the show. (These pages are clearly marked.)
There is nothing like this Director's Guide for being able to produce a play without previous experience!